Catering to a customer is important in the jewelry industry, but building a relationship is what will bring that person back to your store.

With so many choices available to jewelry consumers today, it can be hard for a business to stand out from the crowd. Building relationships with clients, getting to know them on a personal level, and really understanding their needs can help a company distinguish itself and keep clients knocking on the door, even when the same items can be purchased down the street.

“For a salesperson to have a personalized relationship with a client, they must be able to bond with and identify things they have in common [with the customer] beyond jewelry,” says Martin Shanker, president of jewelry and luxury consultancy firm Shanker, Inc. “If it’s just jewelry, remember, they can get jewelry everywhere. What builds a deeper relationship is that you know things about each other — the things you mutually like, what kind of foods you both eat, where you like to travel. I understand your life, and because of that, we communicate on these topics; we bond.”

To form authentic relationships, at least 30% of a salesperson’s discussions with clients should be nonbusiness communication. Simply collecting birthday and anniversary dates along with buying preferences is not enough, Shanker says — though he adds that even the business-related conversation needs to change.

“The reason for personalization is not just to do more business,” he explains. “It’s because the customer is radically shifting. The internet allows them to be more informed and self-directed, so they are much more knowledgeable and think they don’t need salespeople in the same way. If you tell them what they already know from their research, you confirm they don’t need you. So you need to find more interesting things to say about the product than the obvious, such as what inspired the designer, or something unique about the piece itself.”

Martin Shanker.

Getting to know you
This is a method Kaeleigh Testwuide, owner of the Diamond Reserve, knows well. Customers visit her two shops in Denver, Colorado, by appointment only, and she spends the first 20 minutes or so sitting with the clients, becoming acquainted with them and what they’re seeking. In fact, she won’t do business without it.

“We don’t try to sell people what we have, we try to find them what they are looking for,” she says. “We take the time to meet with people for second, third, even fourth appointments, and find different things that fit their needs. I think putting in the time is huge, and it makes your client feel like you care about them and aren’t just trying to sell them something. When it comes to jewelry, they are looking for a dream, and you need to find out exactly what that dream is.”

Testwuide believes this approach makes customers feel important, and following it up with small touches that show you care — such as wishing them a happy birthday or a congratulations on an anniversary — will draw them back to your store.

“They’re going to come back because they don’t have to go through the steps again of figuring out who their person is. They feel like you are their person,” she says.

Kaeleigh Testwuide. Photo: Thomas Ellis.
Kaeleigh Testwuide. Photo: Thomas Ellis.

Gaining insight
Beyond inspiring loyalty and getting customers to return, building relationships with your clients can help enhance sales, asserts Tracy Matthews, chief visionary officer of Flourish & Thrive Academy, which runs a program to help jewelers improve their businesses.

Understanding what makes customers tick “will help you understand the buying habits of the people who shop from you,” says Matthews, who is also the host of the Thrive by Design podcast. “It helps you gain a better knowledge of your consumer base as a whole, what they like, what they’re looking for.”

Among the jewelers who work with her, those who have implemented this practice have increased the value and volume of their sales, she adds.
“It leaves a great taste in their mouths, and it’s something that they remember, and if they remember you, they’ll keep coming back,” she affirms. “The more you understand the likes, needs, wants and desires of the people who are walking into your store, the better your chances of making a sale. And I think that people are buying jewelry now more than ever that has meaning, or that represents something. And if you can understand what it represents to them and what actually matters to them, then you can speak to those likes, needs, wants and desires and create a real connection with them.”

Tracy Matthews.
Tracy Matthews.

Creating a lifetime client
As a jewelry store’s front line with the customer, salespeople can make or break a business, which is why the people you choose to represent your brand are extremely important. While transactional selling may yield a purchase, relational selling will net not only the current sale, but future ones as well.

“You can choose to have an order-taker, or you can choose to have someone who’s actually going to build your business,” says Matthews. “I think [it’s] pretty obvious that you’d want someone who is interested in and incentivized by growing the sale and developing those relationships.”
Shanker agrees, adding that listening skills are the most important tool for building relationships. Customers don’t want to be pounded with questions they may consider invasive or annoying, he says; instead, you should facilitate their thinking process.

“Don’t speak to them like they have no information,” he urges. “Instead of asking questions, make statements that bring the customer to tell you more than they normally would.”

For instance, he suggests asking them what they like in jewelry, rather than inquiring what they collect or what pieces or designers they own, since the items they already have are not necessarily what they want now, and the question may feel intrusive to them.

“It’s all about the art of questioning, and about the listening skills, which will get you the information you need,” Shanker states. “That is what personalization is, and what will allow you to build a relationship with your client. You may have a salesperson who has one big sale with a customer, but if you just measure how much they sold, that’s not the full picture. You also want to measure how many times a customer returns asking for a specific salesperson. Even if those sales are smaller, if the customer has already come back three or four times in a year, you’re going to do more business overall…. This is particularly important for the jewelry industry, because you’re not only looking for a sale, you’re looking for a lifetime client.”

Main photo: The Diamond Reserve interior. Photo: Thomas Ellis.

1 Comment

  1. These earrings have been fantastic! I love your videos.

    Sono molto belli e luminosi. Io li sto indossando ormai da quasi due mesi non togliendoli mai e non si sono assolutamente rovinati. Un consiglio. La chiusura non è un granchè, ne ho perso uno dopo un mesetto e per fortuna mi è successo di notte e l’ho tovato nel letto. Per ovviare al problema basta soltanto muovere leggermente, veramente di pochissimo per non romperlo, il gancetto mobile che va ad incastarsi nell’orecchino. In questo modo ci sarà alla chiusura dello stesso uno scatto più deciso nel chiuderli e a quel punto non li perderete più.

    J’ai acheté ces boucles d’oreilles suite à l’achat précédent du collier. J’en suis ravie ! Elles sont très jolies, élégantes, livrées dans un écrin idéal pour offrir. La taille est ni trop grosse, ni trop petite. Le coloris or rose est vraiment sympa et moderne. Elles sont de qualité et agréables à porter. Du plus bel effet avec le collier de la même série. La livraison est rapide. Je recommande

    J’ai acheté ces BO suite aux nombreux commentaires positifs sur ce produit.
    Elles sont effectivement magnifiques !
    Très élégantes, elles s’accorderont à presque tous les styles vestimentaires et tous les âges.
    Excellent rapport qualité/prix, un cadeau à se faire soi-même ou à offrir !

    I finally had enough and decided to try a “Kosiner cartilage earring” to see if it would be a comfortable option for me to wear and hopefully keep my piercings open.

    I ordered the 9mm/1.12G earrings because I wanted a smaller sized earring in a wire gauge that would be slightly larger than my usual earring hooks/posts. I ordered the sterling silver because I have sensitive skin and was concerned about my skin reacting to the metal.

    They were a bit challenging to get them through my piercings because they’re very small in diameter so there’s just not a lot of earrings to hold onto. Also, as I already mentioned, I ordered a wire gauge that was larger than usual earring hooks/posts so I had to deal with the frustration and pain of getting the larger wire through my relatively small piercings.

    But the pain was completely worth it! I’ve been wearing the earrings 24/7 since receiving them approximately 2 months ago. There was some initial irritation because of needing to force the earrings through my partially closed piercings, but I treated it with regular cleaning and rotating the earrings so they would heal right.

    Je n’avais pas de Boucles d’oreilles pour aller avec un collier en argent sur lequel resplendit une jolie goutte mauve !…
    Je me suis offert cette paire , juste pour me faire plaisir d’ailleurs le prix de ce bijou était très attractif!!!…
    Merci beaucoup; Salutations distinguées : Madame APPRIOU Geneviève.

    There are very, very, very tiny raised spots on the earrings at the clasp and the hinge, and as my ears were healing those could hurt as I rotated the earrings through my piercings, but after my piercings healed it’s not been an issue.

    I had originally thought I would wear these earrings for a month or so, then only put them on occasionally to keep the piercings open, but at this point, they’re so comfortable I don’t really see a reason to remove them!

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